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posted on 20/10/2017 12:28to be honest - Gav

I don't think Merkel and Macron care that much about the damage a no deal Brexit would do to the UK or their own economy, as they can blame the UK for it. Imoh thye are more concerned that the message doesn't go out that countries can easily leave the EU and they'll do all to protect the concept of the EU....and why wouldn't they?

I still don't believe a govt. can inflict damage on it's own country as a cliff edge brexit would do, even for a possible long term benefit

May is being used by interests in her party to take the flak, that much is clear to all. I still thin Parliament will vote down a bad deal

100 Tory MPs are intent on leading the country where they want, not to a place that the population want 

- “Sometimes the angels punish us, by answering our prayers” -