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Posts: 20687

Messaging Enabled

posted on 4/1/2016 22:38Release 5847.38723 - BlueLoon

4.3 beta only


  • Tweaks to API. Now on same domain to get around XSS protection some browsers employ
  • Facebook/Twitter/Other scial media links added
  • Posting now inline to try and make it easier to post via other form factors (phones, tablets etc). Added Plain Text/Rich text links to allow the user to switch quickly between them.
  • Deep linking of posts added. A link now appears at the bottom of every post
  • Added close button to all notifications and slide in/out panels
  • Bootstrapper to initialise the page which should provide better performance on first load


  • Too many to list since the last update!

- Red warrior all your powers will be lost! -

  • Release 5847.38723 - BlueLoon 4/1 22:38 (read 9637 times, 1 post in thread)